1 Rankine to Fahrenheit (1 Ra to °F)

Convert 1 Rankine to Fahrenheit (Ra to °F) with our conversion calculator and conversion tables. To convert 1 Ra to °F use direct conversion formula below.
1 Ra = -458.67 °F.
You also can convert 1 Rankine to other temperature units.




Direct conversion formula: 1 RAN - 459.67 = -458.67 FAN

Opposite conversion: 1 Fahrenheit to Rankine

Conversion calculator


Check out conversion of 1 Ra to most popular temperature units:

1 Ra to Celsius
1 Ra to Kelvin's
1 Ra to Reaumur

Conversion table: Rankine to Fahrenheit

1 = -458.67
2 = -457.67
3 = -456.67
4 = -455.67
5 = -454.67
7 = -452.67
8 = -451.67
9 = -450.67
10 = -449.67
1 = 460.67
2 = 461.67
3 = 462.67
4 = 463.67
5 = 464.67
7 = 466.67
8 = 467.67
9 = 468.67
10 = 469.67

Nearest numbers for 1 Rankine

8.4 Ra = -451.27 °F
13 Ra = -446.67 °F
17.38 Ra = -442.29 °F
20 Ra = -439.67 °F
27.5 Ra = -432.17 °F
34 Ra = -425.67 °F
35 Ra = -424.67 °F
35.46 Ra = -424.21 °F
37.32 Ra = -422.35 °F
38.46 Ra = -421.21 °F
39.28 Ra = -420.39 °F
47 Ra = -412.67 °F
55 Ra = -404.67 °F
56 Ra = -403.67 °F
57 Ra = -402.67 °F
65 Ra = -394.67 °F
68 Ra = -391.67 °F
89 Ra = -370.67 °F
89.9 Ra = -369.77 °F
91 Ra = -368.67 °F

Latest conversions Rankine to Fahrenheit

3901 Ra = 3441.33 °F
15247 Ra = 14787.33 °F
480 Ra = 20.33 °F
89.9 Ra = -369.77 °F
1228 Ra = 768.33 °F
3805 Ra = 3345.33 °F
546.32 Ra = 86.65 °F
3847.67 Ra = 3388 °F
94.5 Ra = -365.17 °F
351 Ra = -108.67 °F
822.65 Ra = 362.98 °F
1830 Ra = 1370.33 °F
697 Ra = 237.33 °F
1920 Ra = 1460.33 °F
1345.67 Ra = 886 °F
1194 Ra = 734.33 °F
2258 Ra = 1798.33 °F
1046.67 Ra = 587 °F
1664 Ra = 1204.33 °F
944 Ra = 484.33 °F
8141.67 Ra = 7682 °F
389 Ra = -70.67 °F
450 Ra = -9.67 °F
56 Ra = -403.67 °F
5938 Ra = 5478.33 °F
25142 Ra = 24682.33 °F
341 Ra = -118.67 °F
525 Ra = 65.33 °F
536 Ra = 76.33 °F
821 Ra = 361.33 °F
13 Ra = -446.67 °F
8674.65 Ra = 8214.98 °F
8846 Ra = 8386.33 °F
9151.67 Ra = 8692 °F
13321 Ra = 12861.33 °F
585 Ra = 125.33 °F
479 Ra = 19.33 °F
496 Ra = 36.33 °F
492 Ra = 32.33 °F
419 Ra = -40.67 °F
4857.67 Ra = 4398 °F
545 Ra = 85.33 °F
198.6 Ra = -261.07 °F
22452 Ra = 21992.33 °F
7019 Ra = 6559.33 °F
35.46 Ra = -424.21 °F
2629 Ra = 2169.33 °F
650 Ra = 190.33 °F
8603 Ra = 8143.33 °F
8487 Ra = 8027.33 °F
4000 Ra = 3540.33 °F
91 Ra = -368.67 °F
423.15 Ra = -36.52 °F
1687.67 Ra = 1228 °F
20 Ra = -439.67 °F
34 Ra = -425.67 °F
35 Ra = -424.67 °F
8743 Ra = 8283.33 °F
3017 Ra = 2557.33 °F
9193 Ra = 8733.33 °F
1117 Ra = 657.33 °F
1342 Ra = 882.33 °F
10814 Ra = 10354.33 °F
1165 Ra = 705.33 °F
65 Ra = -394.67 °F
564 Ra = 104.33 °F
24492 Ra = 24032.33 °F
2303 Ra = 1843.33 °F
132 Ra = -327.67 °F
3646 Ra = 3186.33 °F
710 Ra = 250.33 °F
453.9 Ra = -5.77 °F
610 Ra = 150.33 °F
2844 Ra = 2384.33 °F
89 Ra = -370.67 °F
1048 Ra = 588.33 °F
465 Ra = 5.33 °F
846 Ra = 386.33 °F
1296 Ra = 836.33 °F
3269.67 Ra = 2810 °F
5904.65 Ra = 5444.98 °F
1503.67 Ra = 1044 °F
2387.65 Ra = 1927.98 °F
582 Ra = 122.33 °F
3272 Ra = 2812.33 °F
423 Ra = -36.67 °F
8904 Ra = 8444.33 °F
2260 Ra = 1800.33 °F
1882 Ra = 1422.33 °F
272 Ra = -187.67 °F
801 Ra = 341.33 °F
1716 Ra = 1256.33 °F
1275 Ra = 815.33 °F
1164 Ra = 704.33 °F
2043.67 Ra = 1584 °F
2037 Ra = 1577.33 °F
2213 Ra = 1753.33 °F
7760 Ra = 7300.33 °F
68 Ra = -391.67 °F
5535 Ra = 5075.33 °F